Sunday, 15 August 2010

The Interview

Just a week ago, I arrived in London, from my native Ireland, to start my internship at Save the Children.
I was thrilled to get the internship with Save; it's an organisation I would be happy to work for, and it is one of the leading agencies in the area of education in emergencies, and my role is pretty perfect for what I'm writing on, giving me access to people and information that can really help with my thesis.
When I was offered the internship, I was quite surprised as I had thought the interview had gone dismally badly. It was a phone interview with two people, and I prepared by having my soundbites about How Passionate I Am about Education in Emergencies ready, and was prepared to explain my experience of working on education projects in developing countries, and other fearless exploits. But the role is actually in communications, so their questions tended more toward the 'What experience do you have of website management?' variety. For some reason, I was quite thrown by their not unreasonable questions, and my memory of the interview is of myself mumbling,
   "Umm... uh.. yeah, uh.. the internet, yeah.. I use the internet, um, I send, like, emails...' and sounding like a complete technological incompentant. Now, I cannot claim to a technolgy expert but I live in the modern world, and I am not a moron, so I can usually come to grips with technologies that I need to use. So I felt I had not aquitted myself well in the interview. My impressions about the interview were acutally entirely wrong, as one of my interviewers subsequently gave me a call-back and checked that I was clear that this internship wouldn't be managing an education programme, and would I be content with doing humble database management and the like?

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